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Waste ManagementUpdated 2 years ago

Waste Management Question. In Western NY there are some of the largest landfill in NY.  Over the last couple of years they have battling obnoxious odors that have been causing some serious issues with residence.  These landfills capture methane to convert to electricity for the town.  I would assume, from what I’ve read, that EM-1 would also neutralize the methane gas.  Is this a valid assumption?
First, is the EM-1 Waste Treatment liquid or solid?
If it is a liquid, what concentration is needed to eliminate odors?
If the landfill uses 400 gallon water trucks to control dust, what concentration of EM-1 Waste Management Treatment would be needed?
Is it activated?  If not, does it need the two week fermentation process?
Yes, the EM-1 will neutralize the methane gas to some extent.
EM-1 Waste is a liquid.  It is the same product as EM-1, with a specific use label.
You can use EM-1 at a 1:1000 dilution ratio.
You would use about a 1/2 gallon in the 400 gallon water truck.
EM-1 Waste Treatment is not activated, so yes you can activate it to make 22 times more, or you can purchase Wt1000 in bulk, 55 gallons or 275 gallons.  The Wt1000 is only good for 90-120 days, so you would only purchase what you need in that time.
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