How do you know if bokashi is bad?Updated 10 months ago
You can determine if your Bokashi batch has gone bad by observing the following signs:
Unpleasant Odor: A successful Bokashi fermentation process should produce a smell that is slightly sweet, sour, or similar to pickles. If the bin emits a foul, rotten, or putrid odor, it's an indication that the fermentation process has failed.
Wrong Mold Color: White mold is a good sign and indicates a healthy fermentation process. However, the presence of green, black, or blue mold suggests contamination and a failed fermentation process.
Liquid Accumulation: While some liquid (Bokashi tea) is normal and beneficial, excessive liquid that is not drained can cause the contents to rot instead of ferment.
Lack of Temperature Change: The fermentation process can slightly warm the contents of the bin. If the material remains cool to the touch throughout the process, it may indicate that fermentation is not occurring effectively.
If you notice any of these signs, it may mean that your Bokashi batch is bad, and you might need to start over or dispose of the contents to prevent the spread of pathogens or unpleasant odors.