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Hay crop applicationUpdated 2 years ago

With a hay crop (mixed grasses), the website says to apply 5 gallons per acre per cutting. I presume that this would be applied after a cutting has come off? Also, would this need to utilize the same 1:1,000 dilution rate that you mentioned in the previous e-mail? Or could a different mixture be utilized without burning the crop? It just seems like a lot of water and a lot of trips back and forth through the field, and I am trying to get a good sense of what is involved and associated time and production cost. It is after the cutting has come off.  You could reduce the dilution to an ounce per gallon of water or even a 1:100 ratio. 

so I could get by with a 1:100 ratio of Ag1000 or AEM and not burn my hay/grain crop or degrade the soil? Yes, that is actually the dilution ratio that is listed on the EM-1 bottle.  For farmers with a greater area they can use a lesser dilution ratio to save money.

Here is a bit of my scenario...we have a 6 acre field (orchardgrass hay) that is kind of our 'test plot's at this point; it just hasn't been a steady producer. I would like to try using Ag1000/AEM between cuttings this year. I would plan on utilizing a 3-point boom sprayer behind our tractor to apply the product. But, given the rate of application (5 gallons of Ag1000/AEM per cut) and the dilution rate of 1:100, I would have to apply 505 gallons of mixture per acre (3,030 gallons for the entire field); and even at a walking pace of 3MPH, the sprayer nozzles would have to be flowing 5 gallons per minute each (which is like a pressure washer); also resulting in having to refill the tank every 4/10 of an acre. Being that rains are so sporadic and unpredictable,  planning on them to incorporate the Ag100/AEM (if I were to apply it straight) is a bit haphazard in some years. If I were to use a more reduced dilution rate, it would make application by sprayer more feasible, being able to use more appropriate tractor speeds and nozzle sizes. Maybe something between 1:1 through 1:10?
It will not hurt anything to apply at that dilution ratio, but it will be overkill.  I would suggest a 1:1000.  If it would be more economical then I would reduce from 5 gallons per cut, to maybe 1 gallon every week or 2.

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