EM-1® Application Rate For VegetablesUpdated a year ago
Suggested Application
- Inoculate seeds at first watering/setter water at 1:1,000
- Apply at a rate of 1 part EM•1® per 1,000 gallons of water and maintain dilution through grow-out
- Tank mix with foliar feeding nutrients at 3-5% dilution with water and 1.5-2% dilution of nutrient solution
- Adjust rate to 1:250 should pests and disease occur, until plant stress is controlled, then resume 1:1,000 rate
*EM•1® is compatible with most nutrient solutions.
• Available in 16oz, 32oz, 1-gallon, 5-gallon, 55-gallon, and 275-gallon containers
• Organic (OMRI Listed) without restrictions