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Can I add seeds to my Bokashi Bucket?Updated 5 months ago

Adding seeds to your Bokashi bucket is generally not recommended. The Bokashi composting process is anaerobic, meaning it occurs in the absence of oxygen and relies on the fermentation of organic waste, facilitated by effective microorganisms (EM). 

Here are a few considerations:

Germination Risk: Seeds might not break down effectively in the Bokashi process. There's a potential risk that seeds, especially those of weeds or unintended plants, could survive the fermentation process and later germinate when the compost is used in the garden.

Process Interruption: Seeds can introduce unwanted biological activity that might not be compatible with the Bokashi fermentation process. While the acidic environment in a Bokashi bucket usually inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and pathogens, it's designed for kitchen scraps, not necessarily for processing seeds.

Efficiency Concerns: The goal of Bokashi composting is to quickly and efficiently ferment organic waste, turning it into a pre-compost material that can then be buried in the soil for further decomposition. Adding seeds may not contribute to this goal and could complicate the composting process.

For these reasons, it's best to avoid adding seeds to your Bokashi bucket to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the composting process. 

If you're looking to dispose of seeds, consider alternative methods such as traditional composting, where higher temperatures can prevent germination by effectively breaking down the seeds.

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